C. G. Jung Analytical Psychology

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)
• Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
• lifelong studied:
– Dreams and symptoms of mental disorders
– The story of a man mythology and religion
– Symbols, rituals and beliefs of primitive peoples
• 1907- 1913 collaborated with Freud but rejected his deterministic, sexual theory of personality
• Jung’s discoveries about the human psyche underlie the development of many schools of psychotherapy among others  Arnold Mindell’s psychology of process work
Basic assumptions:
• Jung gave rise theological approach in psychology and psychotherapy, which says that the development of man and his personality has its own unique and special destination for each person.
• personality development – is a constant dialogue between the pairs of opposites: consciousness and unconsciousness, extroversion and introversion and opposed to each other functions of awareness – thinking and feeling, perception and intuition. Its purpose is individuation.
• individuation – is a realization of the individual, the unique potential that each of us carries within itself
• difficulties and suffering mental or physical, are inseparable “companions” of human development, they have their own meaning and purpose that we can discover in the process of analysis and psychotherapy.